Norautron Sweden

Norautron AB is an Electronics Service Manufacturer with a long track record, active in the market since 1994.
The company was founded under the name “Elektronik Partner”, by a group of employees from the former Teli AB (Televerket´s Industrial Division) and was in the year 2000 acquired by Norautron AS.

Norautron, a company in EMBRON Group, is a full-service electronics manufacturer established in 1989.

Several of the original founders are still in the company and we are proud that we still maintain the same spirit in our business, where all employees feel participation and commitment. While preserving our corporate culture, we have always set our sights on the future and are constantly working with innovation.
Having the branch-specific employee skills and knowledge, tight contact with the distribution channels and the right manufacturing expertise are all crucial in order to both understand the customer and to serve them with the right customer service capabilities. Norautron continuously strive to develop our capabilities and to improve the productivity. Combined with our sector-specific knowledge this leads to cost reductions – what we believe is in the common interest of all our customers!

Contact us

Norautron AB
Östra vägen 1
SE-462 32 Vänersborg
Visiting address: Trenova Center
Tel: +46 521-45 95 00